Grupos de medicina personalizada


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Groups for the dynamization of Personalized Medicine in Navarre

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Actualidad de la Medicina Personalizada de Navarra




Personalized Medicine is presented as a great driver of our economy, with a clear potential for development and innovation, as well as job creation.

Given the strategic nature of Personalized Medicine, the actions transcend the field of R&D&i and extend to the industrial field and the digital transformation.

The development and incorporation of new products, innovative procedures and digital solutions will allow us to be at the forefront in prevention, diagnosis, treatment or personalized rehabilitation of patients.

All of this requires promoting business competitiveness, attracting talent, growth policies, and also cohesion and revitalization policies between various actors: academia, clinics, industry, biotechnology and pharmaceutical sectors, in addition to internationalization and visibility policies, among others.

The development of new industrial capacities and the modernization and digitalization of existing ones will ensure a competitive industrial network, capable of offering personalized solutions for the improvement and promotion of people's health.

Personalized medicine fundamentals

Patient-centered diagnosis and treatment.
Right drug, right patient, right time, right dose.
Participatory, preventive, personalized, predictive.
 Technology-driven: AI/Deep learning, etc.
Multidisciplinary and collaborative.

Advantages: better care, low cost, accurate, less invasive (liquid biopsy), etc.

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The groups

For a dynamization of the Personalized Medicine Strategy covering the entire Navarrese Health value chain, four working groups have been created. These groups are made up of companies, research organizations, universities and other key players.